Friday, October 23, 2020

Todd M. Turner Sends Outrageous Response on Radiation Meters!


Thank you for reaching out on the current proposal before the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC or Commission) for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) or “Smart Meter” project within the Sanitary District.  We appreciate the opportunity to respond to this issue. 


We understand the Commission is currently considering the implementation of the AMI project to modernize operations to better serve WSSC customers.  As a result of the discussion before the Commission conducted two virtual public hearing to seek additional public input on this project in late September.  In addition, we understand that WSSC also conducted a public survey of customers and a cost-benefit analysis for implementation of the AMI project.  A full copy of the survey and cost-benefit analysis can be found at  


At the Commission’s October 21st meeting, we have been advised that the project team presented opt out options and made a recommendation for an opt out program which provides a customer with an inside meter the option to move the smart meter outside of the house to the property line and underground. This option is expected to reduce concerns related to human proximity to radio frequencies all while allowing WSSC to maintain one consistent, state-of-the-art meter reading system across the entire WSSC Water’s network.  The Commissioners are expected to vote on this recommendation during the November 18th Commission meeting.  Tentatively, the AMI contract will be presented to the Commission for approval in October 2021 with meter installation tentatively to begin in Winter 2022 with project completion expected in Summer 2026.


I thank you again for expressing your position and interest as a WSSC customer and resident of the 4th Council District, Prince George’s County and/or the Sanitary District.  We hope this responds to your inquiry.  Be well and safe.





Office of Council Chair

Hon. Todd M. Turner

Dear Hon Todd Turner, 

Are you serious? Are you even considering this as an opt out?? Shame on the WSSC for thinking this is an opt out! 

Councilman Todd Turner we expect more from you. 


"At the Commission’s October 21st meeting, we have been advised that the project team presented opt out options and made a recommendation for an opt out program which provides a customer with an inside meter the option to move the smart meter outside of the house to the property line and underground. This option is expected to reduce concerns related to human proximity to radio frequencies all while allowing WSSC to maintain one consistent, state-of-the-art meter reading system across the entire WSSC Water’s network. 

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