Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Blair Cell Tower is an Environmental Justice Issue.

The school system has not approved any new towers on school property since 2009 when a loophole was closed that the industry created by claiming that replacing an athletic field light pole with a cell tower was a public use.  This "public use" claim allowed them to avoid the normal public hearing process for new towers.

Cell towers are an environmental justice issue. 
FACT: In Montgomery County cell towers are more often placed on schools with higher minority populations and lower income families. 
The new proposed 199' tower next to a commercial tower- next to BLAIR would also avoid the typical public hearing process because it would be constructed by the Count government. Commercial antennas can be added later without notice or hearing.

Check out this  list with the 12 (out of a total of 206 ) schools in Montgomery County that have cell towers.  Over 80% are schools with higher FARMS (Free and Reduced Lunch) rates than the rest of the County and majority minority racial/ethnic composition.
Blair is not on the list because the 2 cell towers in close proximity are not on the Blair property.

What is the solution? 

The Planning Commission owns a much taller ~250' tower 1.2 miles away on a golf course. The County's 7 public safety radio antennas could be located on that tower which would actually provide better coverage for the area. 

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