Alert! A newly proposed zoning amendment (ZTA 19-07) for Montgomery County will allow companies to place thousands of mini cell towers called small cells in the front yard of every home in the county- on street lights and power poles. The ZTA will allow cell towers 30 feet from homes.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Testimony to the Huntington Town Board on 5G and Small Cells
This issue is making waves in the United State in every state, in every town. Watch citizens for 5G Awareness speak to the Huntington Town Board.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Take Action To Halt Water Matters WSSC PG and MoCo
Urgent: Please Send a Letter and/or Testify AGAINST "Smart" WSSC Water Meters
Monday, December 3, 2018, 7 p.m.
County Council Office Building in Rockville
The WSSC is planning on spending millions of taxpayer money- 100 Million- to install radiation smart meters on our water meters in Montgomery and Prince George's counties.
Cill, MC PG 101-18 will put a 5 year moratorium in place for WSSC smart meters and require a study.
Delegate Al Carr is sponsoring a bill to address the issue of WSSC’s proposal to add smart meters to the water metering system. There will be a hearing on this on Monday, December 3, 2018, 7 p.m. at the County Council Office Building in Rockville. This hearing will be before the Montgomery County delegation to Annapolis.
WSSC is expected to vigorously oppose the bill so it will be important for people to testify in support.
1. Attend the hearing: Note that if you wish to testify at the hearing, you must sign up. For information about the hearing, and how to sign up, here is the link: RE Your testimony either email to or bring 40 copies to hearing staff AT LEAST ONE HOUR PRIOR to the start of the hearing (e.g. if the hearing begins at 7:00 p.m. you must submit the copies to staff in the hearing room by 6:00 p.m. at the latest).
2. Submit testimony even if you cannot make the hearing: The bill number should be clearly indicated in the upper right hand corner of the testimony. MC PG 101-18 w Email it to
We need to spread the word about this. If you are on a listserv of people who care about smart meters and their implications to health and privacy, please forward this information to your lists.
Friday, November 23, 2018
Jerry Flynn: Timeline of Radiation Limits and Corruption Wireless Radiation
From Jerry Flynn
Attayi, Daoud, Peng
CTIA – Cellular Telephone and Internet Association
It should be noted that, in 1999, the WHO’s own International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) scientists unanimously concluded that ELF (powerline 60 Hz) magnetic fields should be classified a 2B or “Possible” carcinogen! [49] Yet the WHO, like Health Canada, publicly endorses ICNIRP’s outrageously-high, U.S. Military compatible ELF and RF Exposure Limits and urges other countries do so as well!
Dr. Michael Repacholi(1983-2006)
“5G” (Fifth Generation) Technology5G will contribute as much as $40-billion annually to Canada’s economy by 2026. The deployment of 5G networks across Canada will lead to the creation of hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Specifically, more than 150,000 short-term jobs are likely to be created between 2020 and 2026 while the networks are being deployed, and the estimated $26-billion investment by facilities–based carriers required to deploy the networks is likely to create 250,000 more permanent jobs annually by 2026! [71]
Corruption and Greed are Harming and Literally Killing an Unsuspecting Public
Historical Background
1) In 1953, the U.S. Navy established 100 W/m² or 10,000,000 µW/m² as the ‘safe’ Exposure Limit for those exposed to microwave radiation (RF EMR) - which recognized ONLY the thermal effects of this radiation! At that time, the U.S. Military may not have known or at least did not admit that there were or could be harmful non-thermal effects to RF EMR. [See Ref. 1 again]
2) In 1961, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the American people to be on guard against the emergence of a corrupt U.S. Military-Industrial-Complex (US M-I-C). But authorities did nothing to protect the public!
3) In 1963, U.S. President John F. Kennedy told the audience at Columbia University that the U.S. is in danger from within, and that he intended to inform the citizens. Ten days layer he was assassinated. Authorities did nothing to protect the public!
4) In 1966, NATO and the ‘Five-Eyes’ countries (which, in addition to the U.S., includes the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand) were obliged to adopt the same egregiously-high ‘safe’ Exposure Limits of the U.S. Military, i.e., 10,000,000 µW/m² in order for their communications and weapons systems to be compatible with those of the U.S.A., the world’s only super-power!
5) In 1968, U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson pledged to keep American’s safe in their homes and at work and pledged to protect them from hazardous radiation from TV sets and other electronic equipment (all of which emit hazardous non-thermal EMR)! (This was hard evidence that the feared US-M-I-C existed!) Yet those in authority did nothing to protect the public!
6) In 1971, U.S. President Richard Nixon’s own electromagnetic radiation (EMR) Advisory Council warned him that the (non-thermal) EMR already in our homes, places of work, cities etc. may already be biologically significant and that the entire population of the USA may be at risk! (Indisputable evidence that the US M-I-C existed. And this was at least 15 years BEFORE wireless technology began flooding North America! Still, those in authority did nothing to protect the public!
7) In 1975, the U.S. Military’s ‘Tri-Service EMR Bioeffects Research Plan’ admitted that, “for them to adopt lower/safer Exposure Limits, would cost them dearly as they would need to buy substantial additional lands for them to provide the public with adequate ‘buffer’ zones”!
8) In 1976 the declassified U.S. DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) Report on Microwaves stated: “If the more advanced nations of the West are strict in their enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there could be unfavourable effects on industrial output and military functions”!
9) In 1976, the U.S. Government advised its Western allies: “not to talk about non-thermal effects of microwave radiation. If it did not heat the body, they were not to talk about it”!
10) A 1976 U.S. Defense Intelligence document lists all of the health hazards caused by wireless devices. It concludes: “This should be kept secret to preserve industrial profit.”
11) In about 1979, the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) estimated that: “if the Soviet RF Exposure Limit of 1 uW for the public (instead of the U.S.’ 10,000,000 µW/m²was adopted here, over 90% of U.S. FM stations would have to be shut down”!
12) In 1986, the U.S. EPA proposed that pulsed non-thermal RF EMR be designated as a Class C (Possible) carcinogen – but was slapped down and had its funding cut off!
13) In 1986, the U.S. Office of Naval Research also had its funding cut off for research into non-thermal radiation!
14) In 1993, an internal U.S. FDA (Food & Drug Administration) memo states that data “strongly suggests” that microwave radiation promotes cancer!
15) In 1994, a U.S. Air Force study confirmed the existence of non-thermal EMF effects, including alterations to the central nervous system and cardiovascular system!
16) In 1994, U.S. Military scientists said: “Microwave energy in the range 1 to 5 GHz, a militarily important range, penetrates all organ systems of the body and thus puts all organ systems at risk. Effects on the central nervous system are considered very important”! (This range of frequencies is precisely where all of today’s wireless products – even baby monitors and smart meters – are authorized to emit their hazardous non-thermal radiation!)
17) In 1995, U.S. President Bill Clinton issued a formal Memorandum stating that transmitter masts (which include cell towers) should not be sited on schools or near residential areas. (Yet the very next year, he signed the Telecommunications Act, which, in part, was written by the Telecom Industry itself! Those in authority did nothing!
18) On Sept. 13, 1995, the U.S. EPA’s own research caused them concern about EMR/F – wanted to establish guidelines to protect the public, but the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations stated: “… EPA should not engage in EMF activities”! EPA then had its budget cut drastically!
19) In 2004, then U.S. Senator John McCain said: “We have seen compelling evidence that there is an incestuous relationship between the defense industry and defense officials that is not good for America.” Those in authority did nothing!
20) In 2005, ICES TC-95 sub-committee 3 set – for the world – guidelines for what are supposed to be ‘safe’ levels of 50 / 60 Hz (power line frequency) electric and magnetic fields people can be exposed to in their homes, schools, places of work, etc. (See the corruption, below)
21) In 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama’s Cancer Advisory Panel said that the nation’s most pressing issue is the use of wireless devices by children. Still, those in authority did nothing!
Radiation Regulatory Agencies
There are two international health regulatory agencies: the WHO (World Health Organization) and ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection). Within the USA, there are also two regulatory agencies: ICES (International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety) - a committee within the private sector organization known as IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) - and the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), which has no EMF / EMR scientists of its own. The FCC (an industry-captured agency) simply adopts whatever ‘guidelines’ are set by the U.S. Military-controlled ICES’ Technical Committee (TC) 95 (sub-committees 3 and 4) and promulgates them to the world as FCC guidelines.
There are two international health regulatory agencies: the WHO (World Health Organization) and ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection). Within the USA, there are also two regulatory agencies: ICES (International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety) - a committee within the private sector organization known as IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) - and the FCC (Federal Communications Commission), which has no EMF / EMR scientists of its own. The FCC (an industry-captured agency) simply adopts whatever ‘guidelines’ are set by the U.S. Military-controlled ICES’ Technical Committee (TC) 95 (sub-committees 3 and 4) and promulgates them to the world as FCC guidelines.
Neither the USA nor Canada has ever established its own national ‘safe’ Exposure Guidelines to protect the public from the effects of long-term exposure to low-level non-thermal Extremely Low (or powerline 60 Hz) frequency or “ELF” electric or magnetic fields “EMF”s, to which we are all exposed when we are near anything in which electricity flows, i.e., overhead power lines, substations, household electricity and appliances, etc. Instead, the USA follows the guidelines set by ICES TC95 subcommittee 3 (see ‘ICES’ in Part TWO); whereas Canada and the WHO follow and endorse the recommendations of ICNIRP.
International Criticism of the USA-Led ‘Western’ Guidelines:
1) Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Russia, China and most East European countries (and the Toronto Board of Health) observe ‘safe’ Exposure Limits which are at least 100 times lower (safer) than those of U.S.-led Western countries – including Health Canada’s (HC) Safety Code 6 (SC6)!
2) The non-industry BioInitiative 2007 Report urged all countries of the world to reduce their RF EMR ‘safe’ Exposure Limits 10,000 times! Those in authority did nothing.
3) In Sept. 2008, the Parliament of the European Union (28 countries, 500-million people) voted 522 to 16 to agree with the BioInitiative 2007 Report – i.e., ICNIRP’s current EMF safety standards are obsolete and must be renewed! Those in authority did nothing!
4) In 2010, the Seletun Statement – Norway (The International Electromagnetic Field Alliance – IEMFA) said that ICNIRP’s and IEEE/FCC’s public safety limits are inadequate and obsolete and that new biologically-based (i.e. non-thermal) standards are urgently needed to protect public health world-wide! [2] Those in authority did nothing!
5) In 2011, the Council of Europe (47 countries, >830-million people) called on European governments to introduce the Precautionary Principle and/or observe the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle. [3] But those in authority did nothing!
6) In June 2011, the European Parliaments declared that they recognize for the first time the biological effects of EMF on living plants, animals and humans. The need now is to protect citizens from EMR, particularly pregnant women, newborn babies and children. [4] Still, authorities did nothing.
7) The BioInitiative 2012 Report (29 authors, including 21 PhDs and 10 health specialists from 10 countries) urged all countries to reduce their Exposure Limits 3 to 6 million – repeat – 3 to 6 million times! Indefensibly, authorities did nothing!
8) In 2014, the U.S. Department of the Interior attacked the FCC’s exposure guidelines calling them obsolete and 30 years out of date! (And these are similar to those which all Western countries follow). Authorities still did nothing!
9) In 2014, 53 scientists from 18 countries condemned Health Canada’s SC6 and called on HC to intervene to help avoid an emerging health crisis. [5]
10) In 2014, 55 Canadian doctors condemned SC6 and called for Health Canada to protect Canadians from RF exposure! [6]
11) In 2015, scientists from 41 countries signed the International EMF Scientists’ Appeal, which called on the UN, all UN-member countries, and all world governments to “Protect Mankind and Wildlife from EMFs and wireless technologies. Currently, at least 242 scientists have signed the Appeal!
12) The BioInitiative 2017 Report states emphatically that “The agent (RF EMR) is carcinogenic to humans!” [4] Yet all Western nations remain deaf!
13) In 2017 it was revealed that WHO’s core group of RF EHC experts were, except for one, all ICNIRP members! [7]
14) In 2017, more than 180 scientists from 37 countries including 17 from non-EU countries appealed for “5G” (Fifth Generation technology) moratorium warning of potential serious threats to human health and the environment [8]
15) In May, 2018, the International Society of Doctors for the Environment, its subsidiaries in 27 countries and more than 200 doctors and scientists, called for the stop to roll-out of “5G” due to concerns the radiation will have adverse health effects. [9]
16) As of Nov., 2018, 20,308 people have signed the “International Appeal, Stop 5G on Earth and in Space. [10]
1) Despite all of the above, Health Canada has not once imposed the ‘Precautionary Principle’ in an effort to protect the unsuspecting and defenseless Canadian population!
2) Not once has Health Canada put the onus on industry to prove – using independent, qualified EMF / EMR professionals, having no ties to industry - that their technologies are SAFE to be used by, on and around people, of all sizes, of all ages, of all levels of wellness, continuously, around the clock, in perpetuity, before they were allowed to use or sell them!
[6] [7] [8] Dr. Andrew Michrowski, Ottawa.
[6] [7] [8] Dr. Andrew Michrowski, Ottawa.
Corruption and Greed
Harming and Literally Killing an Unsuspecting Public!
Harming and Literally Killing an Unsuspecting Public!
Today, aided and abetted by mainstream news media’s decision in the 1960s to remain silent on this whole non-thermalradiation issue, the corrupt US M-I-C now controls their counterparts in major Western countries and, indirectly, both international health regulatory agencies: the WHO and ICNIRP, as well as the U.S.’ own FCC. Other agencies / organizations around the Western world who champion the US M-I-C’s thermal-effectsONLY paradigm and their better known key players are noted below … as are some people who are not known to be conflicted.
Health Canada (Radiation Protection Bureau)
It’s stated Role is to: “To Protect the Health of Canadians,” and it’s stated Mission is: “To help the people of Canada maintain and improve their health.” But Health Canada’s RPB have callously – and criminally - abandoned the people of Canada in order to promote economic development and industrial growth! This explains why and how SC6 is similar to the U.S. Military’s dangerously-high Exposure Limits for RF EMR -10,000,000 uW/m²! Moreover, given that both ICNIRP and the WHO also share similar ‘guidelines,’ one can then understand why Health Canada endorses and recommends to others that they too should follow ICNIRP’s guidelines! Some of the more prominent, influential champions of the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm are shown in the agencies named below, all of which are now part of the feared U.S. M-I-C.
Repacholi, Michael, Ph.D.
· Easily Canada’s/the world’s most notorious champion of the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm!
· Headed the RPB (’71-’83)
· In 1979, he set Canada’s initial SC6 ‘safe’ Exposure Limit for RF EMR, which was similar to the U.S. Military’s dangerously-high 10,000,000 µW/m²!
· In 1998, while employed at the WHO, assisted by others, set the same U.S. Military ‘standard’ for ICNIRP (See ‘ICNIRP’ below);
· Then he orchestrated the same U.S. Military ‘standard’ for the WHO (See ‘WHO’ below);
Note: Because Health Canada, the WHO, ICNIRP, ICES (the latter of whom speaks for the U.S. Military) and the FCC all refuse to acknowledge that there are harmful non-thermaleffects to RF EMR, this gives the wireless and telecom industries in Western countries the ‘green light’ to fully exploit the virgin universe of extremely profitable wireless products – all of which emit hazardous pulsed non-thermal EMFs!
Note: Because Health Canada, the WHO, ICNIRP, ICES (the latter of whom speaks for the U.S. Military) and the FCC all refuse to acknowledge that there are harmful non-thermaleffects to RF EMR, this gives the wireless and telecom industries in Western countries the ‘green light’ to fully exploit the virgin universe of extremely profitable wireless products – all of which emit hazardous pulsed non-thermal EMFs!
Krewski, Daniel, PhD.
· A former RPB Head (1972-1998) (See ‘R. Samuel McLaughlin Centre,’ below.)
Stuchly, Maria A., PhD.
· She was one of Canada’s early champions of the thermal effectsONLY paradigm.)
· Is an electricalengineer, meaning that she likely had little knowledge or understanding of human biology.
· 1976-1991 – Research Scientist at the RPB, Health & Welfare Canada
· 1978 was an adjunct Prof in Electrical Engineering at the University of Ottawa.
· In 1987, she was President of the Bioelectromagnetic Society.
· In 1992 – she moved to the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria, where she held an Industrial Research Chair as of 1994.
· In 1992, while at the University of Victoria, she acknowledged that studies have shown a link between childhood leukemia and non-thermal EMFs from power lines!
· In 1996 was VP of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI).
· Is a Fellow of IEEE
· She was 1 of 9 principals for the industry-created and funded WIRC (Wireless Information Resource Centre), other principals being: Dan Krewski(see below).
· She authored or co-authored papers on RF EMR and ELF EMFs with both M.H. Repacholi(See above) and D. W. Lecuyer(See ‘ICES,’ below).
McNamee, James, Ph.D.
· Is a key champion within the RPB of the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm.
· Is (and has been since at least 2002) a Member of the U.S. Military-controlled ICES TC95 SC4;
· Until 2008, was on the Board of Directors for the Bioelectromagnetic Society (BEMS) whose newsletter then was funded by Motorola.
· Has co-authored many times with other ICES TC95 members and known champions of the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm, e.g.: Pascale V. Bellier, who also is or was, in 2012, a member of SC4. (He co-authored in 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2012); and with Daniel Krewski,in 2009. (See ‘ICES’ below.)
· He has co-authored with three very strong U.S. industry activists: Drs.John Moulder, Ken Fosterand Exponent Inc.’s Linda Erdreich(2005) (See ‘ICES’ and ‘Exponent Inc.’ below).
· In 2013, he admitted in the Superior Court of Quebec that Safety Code 6 protects ONLY against thermaleffects of EMR on frequencies above 100 kHz (which is where virtually all of today’s wireless devices operate, i.e., mobile phones, cell phone antennas, Wi-Fi, wireless toys, smart meters, baby monitors, etc.! [2]
· In 2015, Health Canada lowered SC6 ‘safe’ RF Exposure Limit some 66 times, to approximately 4.4 mW/cm², which scientists said was still far too high!
· In 2018, his title is: “Chief of Health Effects and Assessments Division.
· He currently is the lead author of SC6” [3]
Thansandote, Art, Ph.D.(Health Canada: 1999-2015)
· Although now retired from Health Canada, he remains a very active champion of the U.S. M-I-C’s thermal-effectsONLY paradigm (See ‘ICES’ below)!
· In 1999, Thansandote wrote the draft of SC6 assisted by D.W. Lecuyer, G.B. Gajdaand Dr. J.P. McNamee. The draft was reviewed by others including M.A. Stuchly then of the University of Victoria. [4]
· In 2006, he was Chief, of RPB’s Health & Electromagnetics Division, and a colleague of James McNamee(see above).
· While at Health Canada, Thansandote, McNameeand others, developed a portable system to acquire data on base station RF emissions. [5]
· He retired from Health Canada in 2015, but continues on as Co-Chairman with the U.S. Military-controlled ICES TC95 SC4 (see below).
· In 2018, he is Scientist Emeritus with Health Canada.
· He co-authored on RF Energy and Health at least several times with Gajda, GB, James McNamee, and Bellier PV. (See ICES, below.)
R. Samuel McLaughlin Research Centre (University of Ottawa)
(Located on the grounds of the University of Ottawa, the Centre was created and funded, at least in part, by the CWTA (Canadian Wireless and Telecommunications Association) (See below.) [6]
Krewski, Daniel, PhD(1998-present)
(Located on the grounds of the University of Ottawa, the Centre was created and funded, at least in part, by the CWTA (Canadian Wireless and Telecommunications Association) (See below.) [6]
Krewski, Daniel, PhD(1998-present)
· Heavily conflicted, Krewski is Canada’s dominant champion of the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm.
· Since 1998, has been and is Professor and Director
· Concurrently, is Chair of Natural Sciences and Engineering Research (NSERC) Industrial Research in Risk Science.
· The WHO 2006 Annual Report reflected that Krewskicollaborated several times on EMF issues with his old colleague Michael Repacholi.) [7] [8]
· In 1998, he was selected by the Royal Society of Canada to chair an Expert Panel on the Potential Health Risks of RF EMR from Wireless Telecommunication Devices. His team included Mary McBride* (1sttime), M. Stuchlyand others.
· In 1999, the CWTA, who lobby nationally on behalf of its members, named Daniel Krewskito be chairman of its new, industry-funded WIRC. [9] [10] (See ‘CWTA’ below.)
· In 1999, he chaired the 1STRoyal Society of Canada’s (RSC) “Expert Panel” assembled to review SC6. One of those he chose to assist him as an ‘Expert’ was the same Mary L. McBride* (2ndtime). (See above, and BC Cancer Agency, below).
1. In 1999, even the RSC acknowledged the possibility of non-thermaleffects, but
did not recommend lowering SC6!
1. In 1999, even the RSC acknowledged the possibility of non-thermaleffects, but
did not recommend lowering SC6!
2. The same RSC also stated that existing guidelines were inadequate to protect parts of the body, especially the eyes, and recommended changes – but this too went unheeded! [11]
· In 2005, according to the WHO’s Annual Report, Krewskiwas the Principal Investigator in the epidemiological study of cellular telephones and cancer which was funded, in part, at least, by CWTA. [12]
· In 2005 and 2006, as the WHO/IARC’s Principal Investigator, his team investigating cell phones and head and neck cancers included Mary McBride* (3rdtime) and required him to interact with Dr. Emilie Van DeVenterof the WHO-EMF project.
· He wrote a negative review of cell phones with known U.S. Industry consultant John Moulder(see ‘ICES,’ below).
· In 2005, he chaired the 2ndRSC “Expert Review Panel” assembled to review SC6, which included the same U.S. industry consultant, John Moulder, and American and veteran ICES-member Kenneth Foster. (See ‘ICES’ below)
· Between 2007 and 2013, he also had his own company: Risk Sciences International (RSI), a consulting firm in Ottawa. It is known that Health Canada awarded Krewski and RSI at least 19 contracts with a total value of about $750,000. [14]
· In 2013, he chaired the 3rdRSC “Expert Review Panel” that reviewed SC6. He had submitted to the RSC, a list of people scientists he wanted on ‘his’ Expert Panel. On his list, he even nominated himself to be chairman and those he wanted on ‘HIS’ “Expert Panel.” Subsequently, he and another ‘expert’ had to be replaced. In Krewski’s case, it was found that he had failed to disclose business he had done earlier with Industry Canada! Other members of his Panel of Experts included the same Americans Kenneth Fosterand John Moulder, mentioned earlier (see ‘ICES’ below), and Louise Lemyre, his colleague at the R. Samuel McLaughlin Centre. [15] [16]
· He has co-authored with conflicted Mary McBridemany times to do with EMF / EMR and brain tumors and other cancers (in 2013, 2014, 2016, 2016, 2018) (See BC Cancer Agency’ below) and with conflicted Maria Feychting(2016) (see ‘Europe’ below). [17] [18]
Royal Society of Canada
· Daniel Krewski,assisted by R. Habashand M, Repacholi, was theprincipal investigator for the on EMFs and Health, which was funded by the CWTA and CIHR ($850,000).
BC Cancer Agency
Mary L. McBride, MSc.
· Her employer notwithstanding, she continues to be one of Canada’s favorite ELF / RF ‘experts’ who champions internationally the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm. In the writer’s opinion, she definitely is in a ‘conflict-of-interest’ situation whenever she allows herself to be utilized as an EMF / EMR “expert,” because BC Cancer Agency (nor any other known cancer agency) never mentions EMF / EMR as being even a ‘possible’ cause of cancer!
· In 1998, she was selected for the 1sttime by Daniel Krewski of Health Canada to be a member of his Expert Panel team. (See R. Samuel McLaughlin Centre, above.)
· In 1999, she was selected for the 2ndtime by Krewskito be one of his “Experts.” (See above.)
· In 2005, she was selected by Industry Canada to be their ‘Expert’ member on an Advisory Committee formed to determine a National Tower (cell phone tower siting) Policy Review. [19]
· In 2010, CTV revealed that she was not the “Dr” or “PhD” that she had allowed others to call and address her - for some 14 years! [20]
· She published or contributed to articles/studies dealing with powerline EMF / RF EMR and leukemia and other cancers with conflicted scientists: Daniel Krewski(2007, 2009, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2016, 2017), Maria Feychting(2007, 2007, 2016), Leeka Kheifets(2007, 2012), Anthony Swerdlow(2007, 2016), Anders Ahlbom(2007) and others. [21]
· Is a Member of the Royal Society of Canada
· In 2018, the Internet still shows her as a PhD [22] [23]
CWTA (Canadian Wireless and Telecommunications Association)
It lobbies all governments in Canada on behalf of the wireless and telephone industries.
It lobbies all governments in Canada on behalf of the wireless and telephone industries.
Bernard Lord, ONB, QC, fluently bilingual, two-time premier of New Brunswick (1999-2006). It is highly unlikely that he would have known that RF EMR emitted by mobile phones and other wireless devices could be harmful to humans. Still, wireless technology across Canada experienced phenomenal growth in the eight years he led CWTA.
· 2008-2016 - he was President and CEO of CWTA (plus he was thought to be on the ‘short-list’ to succeed former Prime Minister Stephen Harper).
· In 2007, PM Stephen Harper chose him to head committee on official languages. Few doors across Canada would not have opened for him.
· Public schools and buildings even hospitals found themselves full of wireless technology.
· In 2014 he became Board Chair of Ontario Power Generation.
· In 2016 he concurrently became CEO of the health services company Medavie Blue Cross.
Ghiz, Robert,
· January 1, 2017 – present: President and CEO of CWTA
· Previously had been a two-time Premier of P.E.I.
· He now naively champions ‘5G’ technology to all governments. (See ‘5G’ below.)
United States of America
Federally, the U. S. government has never set its own ‘safe’ Exposure Limit guidelines for ELF or RF radiation. (See ‘ICES,’ below.)
· In 1966, the industry-sponsored American Standards Council adopted the U.S. military’s thermal-effectsONLY exposure limit of 10,000,000 µW/m²!
· In 1966, this same outrageously-high ‘guideline’ was also adopted by its NATO allies, including Canada, which can be seen in RPB’s SC6! (See ‘Health Canada’ above.)
1) It bears repeating that, by establishing this thermal-effectsONLYparadigm while also adopting the U.S. military’s extremely high ‘safe’ Exposure Limits for RF EMR, this enables wireless and telecom companies and electric power utilities to manufacture and sell obscenely profitable wireless products / devices – all of which produce hazardous non-thermal ELF and/or pulsed RF EMFs – with impunity!
1) It bears repeating that, by establishing this thermal-effectsONLYparadigm while also adopting the U.S. military’s extremely high ‘safe’ Exposure Limits for RF EMR, this enables wireless and telecom companies and electric power utilities to manufacture and sell obscenely profitable wireless products / devices – all of which produce hazardous non-thermal ELF and/or pulsed RF EMFs – with impunity!
2) Virtually no single RF EMF emitting wireless device, on its own, is capable of exceeding SC6’s outrageously-highthermal-onlyExposure Limits, but cumulatively, given the multitude of EMF / EMR emitters that now flood every community, the public can easily be exposed to radiation that far exceed SC6 Exposure Limits!
Kheifets, Leeka I, PhD (Epidemiology).
She is a champion, nationally and internationally, of the thermal-effectONLY paradigm.)
· 2003-present - Prof Epidemiology, UCLA, School of Public Health
· 2008-present – McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment. Science Panel for risk communication program on RF (See R. McLaughlin Research Centre, above).
· 2001-2003 – WHO, Head of Radiation Program (worked for Michael Repacholi)
· 2001-present – ICNIRP Standing Committee on Epidemiology
· Serves on several international and national committees that advise governments on environmental policy, including the Scientific Expert Group of ICNIRP (See below).
· Previously served on the ‘Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (with conflicted Anders Ahlbom, see below), the National Academy of Sciences, IEEE, National council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and World Health Organization (WHO) Working Groups.
· Was Head Radiation Studies Program at WHO (See ‘WHO,’ below.)
· 1988-2001 – she was ‘Technical Executive’ at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the research arm of the electric power industry.
· Authored or contributed to studies/articles on mobile phone and/or powerline radiation with A.J. Ahlbom, M. Feychting. [24] [25] [26]
Note: July 30, 2009, New IEEE Military Workplace standard was signed. [27]
The Unites States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
In 1993, the FDA issued an internal Memo which said: “Data “Strongly Suggest” Microwaves Can Promote Cancer”! It went on to say that: “Of approximately eight chronic animal experiments known to us, five resulted in increased numbers of malignancies, accelerated progression of tumors, or both,” wrote Drs. May Swicord(See ‘ICES,’ below) and Larry Cressof FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health. They also pointed to other evidence from laboratory (in vitro) studies that supported a cancer risk. [28]
ICES (International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety)
Within ICES, Subcommittees 3 and 4 set the ‘safe’ ELF (powerline 60 Hz) EMFs and RF EMR guidelines, respectively, for the U.S. Military and for the USA (see ‘FCC’ below)! ICES’ immediate goal is to ‘harmonize’ USA’s ‘safe’ RF EMR Exposure Limits with those of ICNIRP (i.e. Europe) and, ultimately, have the world adopt its standards – which are based on the thermal effectsONLY of EMFs and EMR! [29]
Attayi, Daoud, Peng
· Is a CSA Canada, Sr. Regulatory / Compliance/Certification Engineer, who, since 2010, has been a Member of ICES.
Bailey, Wiliam F., PhD– of Exponent Inc. (See ‘Exponent’ below)
· Since at least 2004, he has been, and still is, one of ICES’ most important champions, nationally and internationally, for the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm!
· He defended BC Hydro, Fortis BC, etc. in their applications for Smart Meters.
· Is a key Member of both SC3 (0 Hz – 3 kHz) and SC4 (3 kHz – 300 GHz);
· Is also a Member of IEEE’s Committee on Man and Radiation (COMAR).
· He participated in establishing ICES’ ‘safe’ Exposure Limits
· He received from the WHO (Dr. Michael Repacholi) a copy of WHO’s draft EHC which electric power executives and representatives proposed as guidelines for ‘safe’ Exposure Limits ELF EMF. Repacholiinvited Bailey’scomments on the draft.
Bellier, Pascale, PhD – Health Canada
· In 2000 and 2002 - Observer of SC4
· Since at least 2004 – a Member of SC3
Bourdages, Michel - Ontario Hydro
· In 2000 and 2002 - Observer of SC4
Elder, Joe, PhD
· Employed by EPA (1973-2001)
· Until 2009 – Motorola’s Research Lab.
· Is now a Member of both SC3 and SC4. [30]
Foster, Ken, PhD
· Is an active and very senior, influential champion for the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm.
· Since at least 1993 – has been a key Member of both SC3 and SC4.
· He was selected by Daniel Krewski to be an Expert Panel member to review SC6! (See ‘Health Canada’ above.)
Gajda, Greg, PhD
· In 2014 – Health Canada - Observer at SC4
Gallant, Josette, PhD -Industry Canada / ISEDC (Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada)
· Since at least 2009 – is a Member of both SC3 and SC4.
Gibney, Kelly
· In 2000 - BC Hydro – was an Observer SC4
Goulette, Daniel
· In 2012 - Hydro Quebec – was a Member of SC3
Heroux, Paul, PhD
· 2005 - McGill University, Physicist - ICES member. It was he who said that magnetic fields of even 0.02 mG are harmful! [31]
Link, Richard
· 2012 – Radiation Safety Institute of Canada – Member of SC3
McNamee, James, PhD (See Health Canada)
· 2004, at least - Member of SC3
Nappert, Hughes
2010 & 2014– Industry Canada / ISEDC – Observer SC4
Quan, Gregory
· 2000 - BC Hydro – Observer SC4
Repacholi, Michael, PhD
· Previously employed, in succession, by Health Canada, the WHO; and, ICNIRP.
· Currently is and has been a Member of ICES SC4 since at least 2009!
Shkolnikov, Yakov, PhD–
· Since 2011 has been a Member of SC4 (See ‘Exponent’ below).
Swicord, Mays, PhD
· 2006-present - Mays SwicordConsulting. (See ‘FDA’ above.)
· In 2004 he was Director of EMR Research for Motorola [32]
· Previously he worked for the U.S. Federal Food & Drug Administration (at least 1981-1999)
· Is now a senior Member of ICES SC3 (frequencies 0 Hz – 3 kHz)
· In 2004, he was the editor of BEMS newsletter (which was funded by Motorola)
· 1992-1996 he was an ICNIRP Commission Member
Tell, Richard
· Is a very active champion of the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm.
· Tell Associates Inc., an independent telecommunications consultant
· is a very active Member of SC3 and has been since at least 2000.
· Was Co-Chairman of SC2 (2006 & 2007).
· Is also a contributor to the IEEE Database. [33]
Thansandote, Art., PhD
· One of Canada’s most senior champions of the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm (see ‘Health Canada’ above)
· In 2000, as a Health Canada scientist, was an Observer to ICES TC 95 SC4.
· In 2006, gave a presentation on ICES activities and its c95.1 standard to ICNIRP [34]
· Is a Member of SC4, and has since at least 2008 been (and still is) Co-chairman of the US military-led ICES TC-95, Sub-committee 4, which sets the ‘safe’ Exposure Limit guidelines for RF EMR for frequencies 3 kHz to 300 GHz for both the U.S. Military and the USA! (See Health Canada. [35]
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
An independent agency of the U.S. Government that regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in the USA.
The FCC has no EMF scientists of its own. It is led by five commissioners who are appointed by the incumbent President of the USA. The FCC simply adopts whatever ELF and RF standards are determined by ICES (TC-95, SC-3 and SC-4, respectively) which they then promulgate to the world as if they were FCC’s own standards.
Ajit Pai,Chairman (January 2017-present)
· Earlier in his career, he had been Associate General Counsel for Verizon Communications Inc. (2001-2003).
· On 03/30/2018, the FCC approved SpaceX’s plan to launch 4,425 low-orbit Earth orbit broadband satellites. (SpaceX has also proposed an additional 7,500 satellites operating even closer to the ground to boost capacity and reduce latency in heavily populated areas). [36]
Tom Wheeler– Chairman of FCC (2013-2017) [37]
· Clearly one of America’s/the world’s biggest and most dangerous champions of the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm.
· Previously was Pres/CEO of CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association) (1992-2004) the main lobby group for the industry. Proved to be an almost frighteningly zealous champion for “5G” (Fifth generation) technology!
(See ‘”5G” Fifth Technology’ below). [38] [39]
(See ‘”5G” Fifth Technology’ below). [38] [39]
· Previously he had been Pres/CEO of U.S. National Cable and Telecommunications Association (NCTA).
· Wheeler is the only person to be elected to the Hall of Fame in both of the above industries!
· In 2017, he approved OneWeb’s application to launch 720 low-Earth orbit satellites to offer global internet services (20/30 GHz and (11/14 GHz) [40]
· In 2017, approved Space Norway’s to launch 2 satellites to access U.S. market. [41]
· He is said to have raised more than $800-million for Pres. Obama’s two election campaigns.
CTIA – Cellular Telephone and Internet Association
CTIA’s website says it is an international non-profit membership organization based in Washington DC that represents wireless carriers, suppliers, and manufacturers of wireless data services and products. [42]
Meredith Attwell Baker
· Since June 2014 – President and CEO of CTIA
· Had been Sr. VP Governmental Affairs, Comcast NBC Universal
Exponent Inc. (Is a product-defence firm whose international clients are largely power generation and telecommunications-related firms, e.g., BC Hydro, Fortis BC, Manitoba Hydro, many U.S. utilities, etc..) [43]
Bailey, William F., PhD.
Bailey, William F., PhD.
A very important industry product defense scientist who defends the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm internationally. (See ‘ICES,’ above)
· Prior to joining Exponent Inc., he had his own company: Bailey Research Associates.
· He is, and has been since at least year 2000, a very important member of the U.S. Military-dominated ICES TC95 SC3 and 4, subcommittees, which set the guidelines for the U.S. Military and the USA for ‘safe’ Exposure Limits for those exposed to powerline 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields and to RF EMR, respectively.
· He was the 2ndspeaker at the 1998 International Seminar on EMF Risk Perception and Communication, Ottawa, Canada 31 Aug-1 Sept. 1998, which was chaired by the WHO’s Dr. Michael Repacholiand sponsored by the WHO, Health Canada, Industry Canada, the University of Ottawa (Daniel Krewski), CTIA (Cellular Telephone Industry Association), the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA), BC Hydro, Ontario Hydro, Hydro Quebec. [44]
· in 2002, he was one of 11 IARC Panel Members, with Leeka I. Kheifets(see ‘United States,’ above) and Maria Stuchly(See ‘Health Canada’ above) that unanimously found EMFs pose a possible leukemia risk in children! [45]
· He, Ken Foster, Mays Swicordand Richard Tell(See ‘ICES’ above), and Health Canada’s James McNameeand (then) Art Thansandote (See ‘Health Canada’ above) were participants in the 2005 group that established the USA’s egregiously high RF EMF Exposure Limits! (Which were very similar to those of HC’s SC6!) [46]
· His (Exponent Inc.’s) clients include: BC Hydro, Fortis BC, Fortis Alberta, Man Hydro, Hydro One (Ontario), EirGrid (Ireland) etc. many U.S. electric power and telecommunications companies.
· See the ‘WHO’ below to see where he was invited by Dr. Michael Repacholi(of the WHO) to comment on the electric power industry’s draft proposal in which they had outlined what they felt were ‘safe’ guidelines for ELF EMFs.
Erdreich, Linda S. Ph.D.
· Prior to joining Exponent, she was a Principal Scientist with Bailey Research Associates (working with William F. Bailey, above).
· Prior to that, she was with the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).
· Is a Senior Managing Scientist, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Computational Biology at Exponent Inc. (since 2000) [47]
· She is very active in ICES and in defending their thermal-effects ONLY paradigm
One needs to note how often she, Ken Foster (See ‘ICES’ above) and John Moulder (both industry stalwarts) co-authored on mobile phones and cancer! [48]
One needs to note how often she, Ken Foster (See ‘ICES’ above) and John Moulder (both industry stalwarts) co-authored on mobile phones and cancer! [48]
Graf, Kevin, PhD, P.E.
· Since 2018 – is a Member of both SC-3 and SC4
World Health Organization (WHO)
It should be noted that, in 1999, the WHO’s own International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) scientists unanimously concluded that ELF (powerline 60 Hz) magnetic fields should be classified a 2B or “Possible” carcinogen! [49] Yet the WHO, like Health Canada, publicly endorses ICNIRP’s outrageously-high, U.S. Military compatible ELF and RF Exposure Limits and urges other countries do so as well!
Dr. Michael Repacholi(1983-2006)
· In 1984, he chaired the WHO’s first panel to determine ‘safe’ Exposure Limits for ELF EMFs. Although the panel recommended efforts be made to use the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable), Repacholi has continued to ignore this recommendation to protect the public throughout his career!
· 1996-2006, he led the WHO’s 10-year, $250-million International Study on the harmful effects of EMF in the frequency range 0 to 300 GHz. in 1992, while still at the WHO, he helped create ICNIRP (see ‘ICNIRP,’ below);
· In 1996, while in charge of the above, he said: “the Precautionary Principle should not be applied to EMFs! [50]
· He is responsible for the WHO having similar dangerously-high ‘safe’ Exposure Limits for RF EMR as does the U.S. Military - which recognize the ‘thermaleffects’ ONLY! This is particularly serious for those who are chronically exposed to EMF radiation from multiple sources, such as the combined radiation from smart meters, Wi-Fi, etc., baby monitors, cell phones, cordless phones, etc.!
· In 2005, he specifically invited eight electric power utility representatives to help him establish – for the world– ‘safe’ ambient levels of powerline (50 / 60 Hz) or Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) magnetic fields (MFs) to which the public and workers can ‘safely’ be exposed in their homes and on the job, respectively! One of those to whom he sent it for comment was William F. Bailey(See ‘Exponent Inc.’ above)
1) This explains why today ICNIRP, the WHO and Health Canada all say that a ‘safe’ ambient level of MFs in a home and places of work can be up to 2,000 mGand 10,000 mG, respectively! Whereas scientists, globally, say that neither should be more than 1 mG!
1) This explains why today ICNIRP, the WHO and Health Canada all say that a ‘safe’ ambient level of MFs in a home and places of work can be up to 2,000 mGand 10,000 mG, respectively! Whereas scientists, globally, say that neither should be more than 1 mG!
2) This outrageous difference enables profit-focused electric power utilities to install their overhead power lines, substations etc. dangerously close to homes, schools, places of work - which saves them literally billions of dollars in real estate costs they otherwise would have to incur to buy the land necessary for them to place / situate their infrastructure at SAFE distances from schools, homes, places of work, etc., i.e., actual Gaussmeter measurements of the magnetic field present at any of these locations would not exceed 1 mG!
3) Unbelievably, in the USA, both the public and those at work must endure magnetic fields of up to 9,040 mG! [51]
· Even though Repacholi retired from the WHO, in 2007, he is still a member of ICES TC95, SC3/4 in 2018 – as are William F. Bailey, Ken Foster, Joe Elder, James McNamee, Art Thansandoteand others from Industry Canada (see ICES below)!
· Note:In 2017, Lennart Hardell, PhD., of Sweden, the world’s preeminent researcher on brain tumor risk and long term cell phone use stated publicly that the WHO has allowed itself to be captured by ICNIRP, which is dominated by industry [52]
Emilie van Deventer, PhD.
· Is a very influential champion for the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm.
· Is an electrical engineer who was recruited by Michael Repacholito succeed him as Co-ordinator for the WHO’s 10-year, $250-million International EMF Project.
· She is a long-time member of the industry-dominated IEEE
· On Repacholi’s retirement, she succeeded him as Project Manager for the WHO’s international EMF project. [53]
IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
(IARCis the cancer research arm for the WHO.)
(IARCis the cancer research arm for the WHO.)
· In 1999, IARC, i.e., WHO’s own scientists, classified ELF EMFs a Class 2B or “Possible Carcinogen”! Yet both Health Canada and the WHO publicly endorse ICNIRP’s outrageously-high exposure limits … and urge other countries to do so as well!
· In 2001, William Bailey(See ‘Exponent’ above) along withMichael Repacholi(see ‘Health Canada’ above) and Maria Stuchly, then of the University of Victoria (See ‘Health Canada’ above), served on a WHO / IARC panel to evaluate the carcinogenic risks powerline electric and magnetic fields pose to humans. The panel concluded then that there was/is a risk for children exposed to magnetic fields of above 4 mG! [54]
· In 2011, IARC had to remove Prof. Anders Ahlbomas Chair of their Expert Panel of 32 experts which they had assembled to assess the evidence of carcinogenicity from RF exposure when it learned that in 2010 Prof. Ahlbomhad set up a PR/lobby group company in Brussels, with his brother, Gunnar Ahlbom,for the latter to do business, especially with the telecom industry! (See ‘Europe,’ below)
ICNIRP(International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection)
Based in Munich, Germany, it previously had been called INIRC (International Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee). ICNIRP’s ‘safe’ Exposure Limit guidelines for RF EMR –which recognize ONLY the thermaleffects of EMF / EMR - are endorsed by Health Canada and the WHO and followed by most countries of the world, including the European Union’s 28 member countries. Its current members can be seen at: [55]
Michael Repacholi, PhD., (1992-2007)
Based in Munich, Germany, it previously had been called INIRC (International Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee). ICNIRP’s ‘safe’ Exposure Limit guidelines for RF EMR –which recognize ONLY the thermaleffects of EMF / EMR - are endorsed by Health Canada and the WHO and followed by most countries of the world, including the European Union’s 28 member countries. Its current members can be seen at: [55]
Michael Repacholi, PhD., (1992-2007)
· In 1992, while still employed at the WHO,Repacholi, helped create ICNIRP.
· In 1994, assisted by conflicted Anders Ahlbom (see ‘Europe,’ below), he established ICNIRP’s ‘safe’ Exposure Limit guidelines for RF EMR, which essentially mirrored those of the U.S. Military – which recognize ONLY the short term thermal effectsof those exposed to acute exposure to RF EMR - not the long term, low level, chronic effects which the public must endure!
Anders Ahlbom, PhD., head of Karolinska’s Institute of Environmental Medicine.
· Is/was Europe’s most influential epidemiologist studying mobile phone radiation and a long-time champion of the thermal effectONLY paradigm. [56] [57]
· 1996-2008 - was a Commission Member of ICNIRP (See ‘ICNIRP’ above.)
· In 1998 - he participated with conflicted Michael Repacholiin establishing ICNIRP’s guidelines for RF EMR.
· In 2007, he was a member of the Expert Review Panel assembled by the Irish government.
· In 2008, the Swedish Karolinska Institute concluded that Ahlbom, the ICNIRP-member, should disclose his relationship to ICNIRP whenever he makes a statement about mobile phone health risks. [58]
· In 2011, he had to be removed as Head of IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) Expert Panel due to conflict of interest (see IARC’, above).
· In 2011, he resigned from the Swedish Radiation Post [59]
· He worked with / assisted Dr. Repacholito establish ICNIRPs initial Exposure Limits for both ELF EMFs and RF EMR! [60]
· He also had chaired every Expert group for the Swedish Radiation Protection Agency! [ ] Increasingly, ICNIRP is known for its conflicts of interest due its relationships with telecommunications or electric companies.
· In 2001, on behalf of ICNIRPs standing committee on Epidemiology, he co-authored with conflicted U.K. scientist Anthony Swerdlowand others a study of power line 50/60 Hz (ELF) frequency EMFs which showed them to be harmless. [61]
· He published studies/articles on mobile phones and cancer with conflicted L. Kheifets, Ahlbom, Swerdlow and others.
Feychting, Maria, PhD.,
· Is a very senior, influential European scientist who aggressively champions the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm.
· Was Anders Ahlbom’s protégée at Sweden’s Karolinskia Institute.
· Since 2012, she has been and still is ICNIRP’s Vice Chairman (see ‘ICNIRP’ above).
· Since 2008, she has been a Member of ICNIRP’s main commission. [62]
· In 2013, she said: “Now it is enough!” She wanted to stop wasting money on any more epidemiological studies of breast cancer risks from power frequency (60 Hz) ELF EMFs. [63]
· In 1996, Dr. Maria Feychting of the Karolinska Institute is quoted as saying: “Five-times increased rate of Alzheimer’s is reported with occupational exposures.” [64]
· In 1992 she andAnders Ahlbomdid a Swedish study which concluded that powerline (50 / 60 Hz) magnetic fields are linked to childhood leukemia! [65]
· It must be noted that she previously worked with EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute).
1. Between them, Ahlbomand Feychting, dominated all expert evaluations of the health risks from both powerline (50 / 60 Hz) EMFs line and RF EMR in Sweden (2003-2011). They have been or still are experts for the WHO (Feychting: 2015-2018), in the EU (Ahlbom: 2007 and 2009), in the UK and Norway (Feychting). Between them, they are given considerable credit for the standards most countries in Europe now apply for limited exposure to EMF: Ahlbom for ICNIRP 1996-2008; Feychting for ICNIRP 2008-now). Historically, they both have dismissed any health effects below ICNIRP’s guidelines. Both receive funds from the telecommunications indusry for research! [66]
1. Between them, Ahlbomand Feychting, dominated all expert evaluations of the health risks from both powerline (50 / 60 Hz) EMFs line and RF EMR in Sweden (2003-2011). They have been or still are experts for the WHO (Feychting: 2015-2018), in the EU (Ahlbom: 2007 and 2009), in the UK and Norway (Feychting). Between them, they are given considerable credit for the standards most countries in Europe now apply for limited exposure to EMF: Ahlbom for ICNIRP 1996-2008; Feychting for ICNIRP 2008-now). Historically, they both have dismissed any health effects below ICNIRP’s guidelines. Both receive funds from the telecommunications indusry for research! [66]
2. Ahlbom co-authored with Kheifets L., Swerdlow Aand others. ICNIRP (2004)
The United Kingdom
Dr. Anthony Swerdlov(2000-2012)
Still is arguably the most influential EMF / EMR scientists in the U.K. and a long-time champion of the thermal-effectsONLY paradigm. Given his employer continues to be the National Cancer Institute, the writer considers Dr. Swerdlow to be conflicted.
· In 2018, is still Head of the Epidemiology Section at the ICR
· In 2012 was Chair of ICNIRP’s Standing Committee on Epidemiology.
· 2008-2012, was SCI (Epidemiology) Chairman for ICNIRP.
· Was a board member of ICNIRP (See ICNIRP, above.)
· Was a Commission Member of ICNIRP along with conflicted Albert Ahlbomand notoriously conflicted Michael Repacholi
· In 2000, he joined the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) at the University of London, U.K.
· In 2011, he was the Chairman of the independent Advisory Group on Non-Ionizing Radiation at the Health Protection Agency (AGNIRP), whose study concluded that there was no risk to using cell phones in the U.K.! [67]
· Even though it was known that Swerdlowand his wife were major shareholders in the U.K.’s telecom industry, the British government did not see fit to remove him! [68] [69]
· Was elected Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.
· Has co-authored papers with other industry champions Maria Feychting, Leeka Kheifets, Anders Ahlbom, Michael Repcholi, Daniel Krewski,Mary L McBride, etc. [70]
“5G” (Fifth Generation) Technology5G will contribute as much as $40-billion annually to Canada’s economy by 2026. The deployment of 5G networks across Canada will lead to the creation of hundreds of thousands of new jobs. Specifically, more than 150,000 short-term jobs are likely to be created between 2020 and 2026 while the networks are being deployed, and the estimated $26-billion investment by facilities–based carriers required to deploy the networks is likely to create 250,000 more permanent jobs annually by 2026! [71]
Tragically, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s warning to the American people in 1961 – to be on guard against the emergence of a corrupt U.S. Military-Industrial-Complex– went unheeded. But its existence today has long been validated by a series of U.S. presidents and one U.S. senator. The history chronicled in PART ONE of this paper will withstand any serious due diligence. And while data in PART TWO is admittedly incomplete, it provides ample compelling evidence to convince any serious person looking for the truth that just a small group of conflicted scientists from around the world are now, and have been since 1966, responsible for perpetuating this unthinkably and unforgivably cruel and dangerous ‘thermal-effects’ ONLY myth! While governments and industry have both reaped unprecedented profits, the cost to mankind has been and increasingly is incalculable, in terms of the disease epidemics and premature deaths caused by these man-made technologies – not just on people, but on all living things! Now the electric power and communications and electronics industries are poised to unleash their insane and completely untested “5G” technology on the same unsuspecting and utterly defenseless humans - in all countries of the world! Non-industry scientists have said that 5G will simply expedite the disappearance of the human race!
Tragically, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s warning to the American people in 1961 – to be on guard against the emergence of a corrupt U.S. Military-Industrial-Complex– went unheeded. But its existence today has long been validated by a series of U.S. presidents and one U.S. senator. The history chronicled in PART ONE of this paper will withstand any serious due diligence. And while data in PART TWO is admittedly incomplete, it provides ample compelling evidence to convince any serious person looking for the truth that just a small group of conflicted scientists from around the world are now, and have been since 1966, responsible for perpetuating this unthinkably and unforgivably cruel and dangerous ‘thermal-effects’ ONLY myth! While governments and industry have both reaped unprecedented profits, the cost to mankind has been and increasingly is incalculable, in terms of the disease epidemics and premature deaths caused by these man-made technologies – not just on people, but on all living things! Now the electric power and communications and electronics industries are poised to unleash their insane and completely untested “5G” technology on the same unsuspecting and utterly defenseless humans - in all countries of the world! Non-industry scientists have said that 5G will simply expedite the disappearance of the human race!
On the premise that it is not already too late, governments must urgently seek counsel from reputable, internationally-recognized, non-industry EMF / EMR scientists or ‘experts’ who are certain to advise them to: 1) Immediately ban 5G technology and ensure that it is never used on human beings! 2) Immediately ban all commercial satellites from irradiating any portion of planet Earth with ELF EMF or RF EMR! 3) remove from all locations within the province ASAP wireless RF products / devices / gadgets that have not been independently tested and proven to be safe to humans and all living things - and replace them with safe hard-wired alternatives; 4) direct electric power utilities to re-locate ASAP their overhead power lines, substations, power transformers, etc. to distances which are proven to be SAFE from schools, residential areas, places of work, etc. (Gaussmeter readings of not more than 1 mG at any given location is to be the only acceptable criterion); 5) immediately ban all ‘smart’ meters across the country and direct electric utilities to replace them with safe analogue meters – at the utility’s expense! 6) direct all owners and/or operators of radio towers (e.g.: cell, amateur radio, AM/FM radio and TV, CB, etc.) to re-locate them ASAP to ‘safe’ distances from schools, residential areas, hospitals, places of work, where people gather, etc. 7) direct all industries – especially telecom companies – henceforth, where practicable, to use fibre optic, co-axial and/or other shielded cable to connect anythingin which electricity flows; 8) at their earliest, recruit an internationally-respected ELF / EMR scientist or ‘expert’ who is to be installed on an interim basis as the province’s voice (authority) on all aspects of ELF EMF/RF EMR and EHS as they relate to public health and safety; and, 9) Insist that all Provincial Health Officers and Regional Health Authorities be educated about ELF EMF / RF EMR and EHS.
J.G. Flynn, Captain (retired), author of “Hidden Dangers.”
Bowser, BC, V0R 1G0
J.G. Flynn, Captain (retired), author of “Hidden Dangers.”
Bowser, BC, V0R 1G0
[6] [7] 5
[8][9][10] CBC News, Nov. 25, 2003[11][12]
201012.pdf(Page 3)
[32] Microwave News, July 31, 2006[33]
[44] [45]
[53][54][55][56][ ]
[65] The Great Power-Line cover-up pp 255[66]
[68] [69][70]
[6] [7] 5
[8][9][10] CBC News, Nov. 25, 2003[11][12]
201012.pdf(Page 3)
[32] Microwave News, July 31, 2006[33]
[44] [45]
[53][54][55][56][ ]
[65] The Great Power-Line cover-up pp 255[66]
[68] [69][70]
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