Wednesday, November 15, 2017

NASA Engineer Opposes Small Cells in Piedmont California

NASA Engineer Opposes Small Cells in Piedmont

November 15, 2017
City Council Members
City of Piedmont, CA
120 Vista Avenue
Piedmont, CA 94611
(510) 420-3040
Re: Deny All Nine Crown Castle/Verizon So-Called "Small Cell" Cell Tower Applications for Piedmont
Dear Piedmont City Council Members,
I fear that you have no interest in reading this letter. It is clear to me that you have not read my previous letters, or you could not understand them. As I stated in September, if you approved any of the nine Crown Castle/Verizon So-Called "Small Cell" Cell Tower applications targeting Piedmont, I would move out. So, I have purchased another house and am leaving Piedmont. I expect I will not be alone.
I moved my family to Piedmont because of the good reputation of the schools. However, your acquiescence to irradiating the schools and sidewalks around the recreation center is beyond my imagination. I can’t figure out how kids will walk to school, recreation center or pool without being in the high-radiation beam of these cell towers that will bracket the recreation center and pool.

The babies learning to swim at the wading pool will be irradiated
by a cell tower only 30 steps from their unprotected bodies.
Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on all of you!
If you approve the 314 Wildwood tower, this would enclose three Piedmont schools with high power radiation from four cell phone towers and certify Piedmont as the school system to avoid. Over the previous two months, you have demonstrated that you ignore every public statement of fact regarding this issue. Your legal counsel has clearly no experience in this area, and your staff has been working against the residents’ best interests.
For example:
  • There is sufficient Verizon coverage, and we demonstrated that there is NO SIGNIFICANT GAP in Verizon coverage in Piedmont. Crown Castle/Verizon did not prove their case, as they must, to allow them to place cell towers in Piedmont. Piedmont residents proved in multiple on-site measurements and showed videos at the 10/02/17 City Council meeting. Sherk also showed in multiple meetings that Verizon’s own maps showed FULL COVERAGE for PIEDMONT — for voice, text and data services .
How is it that your senior planner can accept Crown Castle’s word that there is insufficient coverage? That’s total, unadulterated horse shit. And you sat there doing nothing. How is it that your legal counsel said that "coverage" and "capacity" are essentially the same? That’s bad legal advice. And you simply accepted it.
Shame on you!
  • There are ADA laws protecting people with EMS, and you have simply ignored their testimony.
How is it that your legal counsel used a single case in which Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) was not considered an ADA-recognized issue? That shows how little he knows and how little you know. It proves that there is a legal definition of EMS that has been recognizes by the Federal Architectural Access Board since 2002. Yet, you dismissed the needs of 3% of Piedmont residents who have this environmentally-induced disability. They can’t walk downtown without getting sick. Due to Fire Station cell towers, Mulberry’s already has an outrageous 5,400 microwatts per square meter of microwave radiation. Just know that, with your recent decisions, the microwave radiation levels will be going up in Piedmont and the kids will be bathing in it.
Shame on you!
  • Piedmonters young and old rallied to show you how they do not want these so-called "Small Cell" cell towers in their town. Hundreds of letters were sent to you, while there was only a single letter in support of these Crown Castle/Verizon cell towers. We heard impassioned speeches from children who will be irradiated. And from their well-informed mothers and fathers.
How is it that you would decide their lives weren’t worth fighting for? A law suit might cost the city $200,000. Are you kidding? There are kid’s lives at stake here.

How much is the treatment for Leukemia? How many children
are you willing to sacrifice so the City of Piedmont
doesn’t use its "community fund?" Is a garden party
more important than a child’s life?
What will you do when Piedmont children start having Leukemias and Lymphomas? I already sent you the studies showing the connection between cell towers and these illnesses. In Spain, they dismantled a cell tower near a school that had five case of Leukemia and Lymphoma in the span of a year.
Shame on you!
  • Microwave radiation damages and kills trees. I’ve provided overwhelming scientific reports on this subject, including a 10-year study of tree damage correlated to microwave power. Yet you have managed to ignored them all.
Shame on you!
  • Microwave radiation damages birds and insects. I’ve provided numerous scientific reports on this subject, showing how microwaves have upset homing pigeons and natural navigational abilities of migratory birds. When a tower goes up, nearby birds either move their nests or face a decline in their offspring. Birds staying near a tower often never finish building their nest in their apparent confusion. Insects are profoundly affected by radiation. A ten-minute per day cell phone placement in a bee-hive will cause the bees to stop honey production, lose interest in procreation, and the bee hive will die in a matter of 5 weeks. A tiny fraction of a cell tower’s power, 40 microwatts, will kill bird embryos. Yet, you simply ignored all of these scientific reports.
Shame on you!
  • Microwave radiation below FCC limits produces cancers in rats. I’ve provided references to the National Toxicology Program study which shows brain and heart tumors in rats at levels below those allowed by the FCC. The NTP study also confirms that DNA breakage is a function of intensity and of duration. This means that children need to be protected above all else. They have the longest exposure duration. However, you have ignored these studies.
Shame on you!
  • Home values will decline because of your decisions. It is apparent that you do not care about the people in Piedmont, but they deserve better. Their homes are usually a large fraction of their wealth and your decisions cause them to lose a large fraction of their wealth — just so that you City Council Members can relax. I understand that part of the agreement between Piedmont and Crown is that you make residents sue Crown instead of Piedmont if anything bad happens. To that I say:
Shame on you!
I really hope that Piedmont will come to its senses and reject all of these Crown Castle/Verizon so-called "Small Cell" cell towers.
Crown Castle is not acting in good faith as a public utility. It serves a "for-profit" wireless company, and its designation as a California Public Utility should be challenged rather than accepted by Piedmont. It’s track record shows that it does not serve the population at large, which is a requirement of a public utility. Instead, Crown only serves wealthy communities where the profit margins are better. Piedmont should challenge Crown’s "public utility" designation, since it would eliminate their ability to bully their way into town.
I hope you deny the 314 Wildwood application. The drawings have been wrong from the beginning, the vault will be too noisy to meet Piedmont noise regulations and the microwave transmitter at 314 Wildwood is double than the size the other three Crown Castle/Verizon cell towers the City Council recently approved. Moreover, the noise from the equipment vault will be 8 times louderthan the nighttime ambient background noise.
Please do not approve the Crown Castle/Verizon so-called "Small Cell" Cell tower application for 314 Wildwood at the upcoming Piedmont City Council meeting.
Best regards,
Peter Harvey, formerly 123 Highland Ave.

Peter R Harvey has been a member of the University of California Berkeley Physics department, Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL), for more than four decades. He holds a MS degree in computer science from UC. He has developed more than 30 NASA space instruments and six spacecraft which communicate via microwave to the SSL-developed 10-meter S-band Berkeley Ground Station. He has published more than 34 scientific papers which have been cited in other scientific publications more than 2,900 times. He is currently supporting NASA’s Parker Solar Probe spacecraft as it goes through pre-launch testing.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Friday, November 10, 2017

WJLA News: Montgomery County Citizens Opposed To Small Cell Antennas

Nowadays, most people enjoy the convenience of a smartphone, but few want the antennas that support such technology in their front yard.

ABC7's Montgomery County Reporter Kevin Lewis explains the challenge of enhancing service while keeping homeowners happy in the video above.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Hill: 5G Small Cells and A Cell Tower On Every Block To Line Telecom Pockets

Public health is littered with examples where economic interests trumped scientific advice




Last week, California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) took a bold step in vetoing S.B. 649, 5G streamlining legislation that would have granted the telecom industry a green light to place a mini cell tower approximately every hundred yards throughout the state.

Had the bill been signed into law, localities would have lost the right to say where these so-called “small cells” are installed, also capping fees they could charge the telecom companies for erecting these structures in public rights-of-way.

And yet, almost two dozen states are moving forward with similar streamlining bills. While Missouri’s Small Cell Deployment Act failed, over a dozen states are swiftly passing legislation despite fierce opposition. In response, 21 Texas cities including Dallas and Austin have sued their state, as have 70 communities in Ohio.

In Montgomery County, Md., a local bill was tabled after residents expressed opposition, only to be replaced by a transparency plagueddraft zoning amendment. The county is pitching this rezoning as “protecting the character” of neighborhoods, because it ensures transmitters are camouflaged, yet it virtually eliminates public notice and hearings for antennas on streetlights and utility poles.

In 2016, the Federal Communications Commission approved Spectrum Frontiers, making the U.S. the first country in the world to open up higher-frequency millimeter wave spectrum to roll out 5G. Now, two federal 5G streaming bills, The MOBILE NOW Act and The DIGIT Act, have passed the Senate and are on the way to the House.

Read the full article at

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Montgomery County Residents Testify In Opposition To Cell Antennas In Their Yards

Watch Videos of Resident Testimony on Small Cells in Montgomery County. As you can see, residents are OUTRAGED. They do not want these wireless antennas in their yards, 

Tragically, Small Cell Towers are about Life and Death, Informed Consent Agreement by Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D.

Tragically, Small Cell Towers are about Life and Death

To:  All Members of Montgomery County Citizens Advisory Boards

November 6, 2017

Please know that the proposed installation of small cell towers throughout Montgomery County would be a health tragedy for our County.  These towers are sources of high levels of radiofrequency radiation that will be placed right in front of homes and businesses without their consent -- not to mention their INFORMED CONSENT.

If you are wondering what you would be consenting to, if you WERE asked, I have written up a short Informed Consent Agreement which is attached.  If presented with this agreement, would you sign it?

Need to catch up on small cell towers?

If you are not certain that you understand about small cell towers, and the associate Fifth Generation (5G) of cellular technology that is destined for these towers, please see this web site for an introduction:
If you want to read a superb article about small cell towers, just published in "The Hill", please click HERE or enter the following web site into your browser:
This article was written Devra Davis, Ph.D., M.P.H. who has had a distinguished career of public service in support of public health.  Dr. Davis was a member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that was named a joint recipient of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2007.
If you want to know more about the impact of wireless technologies, including small cell towers, on health, please see the following web site, created by Dr. Davis who is the founder of the Environmental Health Trust:
Health concerns of County residents fall on deaf ears

Unfortunately, we are being told by our County officials that our health concerns carry no weight in determining whether or not small cell towers will be installed in our County.  The reason our officials cite is a provision of the 1996 Telecommunications Act that contains an "environmental effects" exclusion that is frequently interpreted as a "health effects" exclusion:
“No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission's regulations concerning such emissions.”

(In the above quotation, the "Commission" is the Federal Communications Commission.)
Unfortunately, the Federal Communications Commission permits the irradiation of the public with such high levels of radiofrequency radiation that the public is not protected from harm.

However, please consider the following implication of this supposed health exclusion, and ask yourself is there isn't a way to fight back against such an unjust law.

Our laws are in conflict

The international biomedical research community has made it quite clear that radiofrequency radiation, and specifically cellular radiofrequency radiation, can harm people in an enormous number of ways.  Most recently the National Institutes of Health linked cellular radiation to brain cancer (glioma) which is usually fatal, and to a nerve cancer (schwannoma) that can be fatal.  That is, the scientific evidence suggests that we must treat radiofrequency radiation, and in particular cellular radiation, not only as dangerous to health generally, but also as a CARCINOGEN that is dangerous to life itself.

So, when a small cell tower is placed "up close and personal" to people, those people must be regarded as under "assault" by a carcinogen.  And, there are laws against assault.  Further, since that assault can result in death, those people must be considered as under "assault with a deadly weapon".  That is also against the law.  Furthermore, if any of those people die as the result of that assault, that is "murder".  Murder is also against the law.

So, it seems fair to ask this question:  Is the 1996 Telecommunications Act so powerful that it overrides the laws against assault, assault with a deadly weapon, and murder?  I doubt very much that the authors of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, in their zeal to promote the rapid expansion of cellular technology without prior testing for safety, intended to convey a right to the telecommunications industry to assault, and even kill, people.

If County officials want to protect the public from harm, they need to rally their legal might to resist ALL EFFORTS to install small cell towers in the County, not just because that is the right thing to do, but also because such installation violates multiple existing laws that are reasonably believed to be preeminent.

I would be proud to see Montgomery County take the lead in making this argument against the 1996 Telecommunications Act, which has proved to be an unjust law.

If you don't believe that cellular radiation is harmful

If you have trouble believing that cellular radiation is harmful, consider these questions:
  • On which sources of information are you relying for assurances of safety?  Do those sources have extensive backgrounds in the biological effects of radiofrequency radiation?  Are those sources free from vested interests in cellular communications or other wireless technologies?
  • Are those sources more authoritative on health issues than the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization?  That organization linked radiofrequency radiation, and in particular cellular radiation, to cancer back in 2011?
  • Are those sources more authoritative on health issues than the National Toxicology Program (NTP) at the National Institutes of Health?  The NTP confirmed the link of radiofrequency radiation, and in particular cellular radiation, to cancer in 2016 and to DNA damage more broadly in 2017?  And further findings are due for release in 2018.  These findings are the result of the largest study ($25 million) that the NTP has ever conducted of any toxin.
  • Have you read some of the scientific research literature that connects radiofrequency radiation to biological effects and that has been funded by impartial sources?
What can You do?

If you would like small cell towers stopped, you must speak up to County officials, and quickly, because the small-cell-tower juggernaut is moving fast.  Below, I provide a list of cognizant County officials, their position titles, and their email addresses.  Thereafter, I provide a list of the email addresses alone for easy copying and pasting into your email program.  A single message to all of the officials at one time will let them know how you feel.

Ike Leggett - Montgomery County Executive:
Eric Coffman - Chief, Energy and Sustainability, Montgomery County:
Eric Friedman - Director. Montgomery County Office of Consumer Protection:
Lisa Brennan - Associate County Attorney General, Montgomery County:
Roger Berliner - President, Montgomery County Council:
Hans Riemer -  Vice President, Montgomery County Council:
Marc Elrich - Montgomery County Councilmember:
George Leventhal - Montgomery County Councilmember:
Craig Rice - Montgomery County Councilmember:
Nancy Floreen - Montgomery County Councilmember:
Nancy Navarro - Montgomery County Councilmember:
Sidney Katz - Montgomery County Councilmember:
Tom Hucker - Montgomery County Councilmember:
Mistuko Herrera - Montgomery County Department of Technology Services:

Who am I?

I have been a resident of Montgomery County since 1979.  I am a retired U.S. Government career scientist (Ph.D., Applied Physics, Harvard University, 1975).  During my Government career, I worked for the Executive Office of the President of the United States, the National Science Foundation, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.  For those organizations, respectively, I addressed Federal research and development program evaluation, energy policy research, and measurement development in support of the electronics and electrical-equipment industries and the biomedical research community.  I currently interact with other scientists and with physicians around the world on the impact of electromagnetic fields on human health.

Share this message with anyone you wish.

Let us opt for a healthy future for our families and our friends in Montgomery County.


Ronald M. Powell, Ph.D.