The September EHT newsletter has information about the health risks of cell antennae.
Alert! A newly proposed zoning amendment (ZTA 19-07) for Montgomery County will allow companies to place thousands of mini cell towers called small cells in the front yard of every home in the county- on street lights and power poles. The ZTA will allow cell towers 30 feet from homes.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Dr. Booth: A Summary of Current US and International regulations Related to Cell Towers
A Summary of Current US and International regulations related to cell towers by Dr. Booth.
This document can be found at
"The purpose of this website is to disseminate information about the existing cell phone tower at Landisville Middle School and the proposed cell phone towers at Rohrerstown Elementary School and Centerville Middle School (as referenced at the Hempfield SD Building and Grounds Meeting on May 23, 2017 - 2b and also referenced at the Hempfield Building and Grounds Meeting on July 18th, 2017 - 5 ). The community has done extensive research and we would like to keep everyone apprised of this research. We seek to inform the community of the happenings regarding the Hempfield SD Cell Phone Towers. Much of the supporting documentation is in link form, so please click on the links to read it all. Our group has contacted many experts in the scientific, safety and medical fields and have presented such findings to the Hempfield School Board."
Montgomery County Meeting on Wireless Antennas in NeighborhoodsZTA: Monday October 23
The Montgomery County Government Invites You to a Community Meeting on
Monday, October 23rd
Regarding The Montgomery County Zoning Draft Amendment
Replacing Neighborhood StreetLights and Powerpoles With Mini Cell Towers
Monday, October 23rd 7-9 pm
Montgomery County Council Office Building
100 Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD 20850
What Does a Small Cell, Wireless Antennas on My Streetlight Look like?
What will these small cell, mini cell towers look like?
Here are some examples of what we have already and what Montgomery County will be getting.
7800 Brickyard Road
Norbeck Road

Here are some examples of what we have already and what Montgomery County will be getting.
7800 Brickyard Road

The county is showing pictures that look like this.
However this is a pretty picture and the ZTA is allowing FAR MORE than these pretty pictures. The ZTA says the cabinet can be 6 by 2 by 1. That is far larger than we see here.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Monday, September 25, 2017
Montgomery County: Will Your Street Light or Power Pole Become A Mini Cell Tower? Address Lookup
Will the streetlights power pole in your front yard become a mini cell tower/
That is what people want to know.
You can look up your address and find out!
Image above is from Environmental Health Trust's page on Mini Cell Towers.
Below is the link to the website for light poles and street lights in Montgomery County. In the upper left corner you enter the address of the site you are inquiring about. If you click on the green dot that it will give you further detail on the pole number and ownership.
If the streetlight or pole is owned by Montgomery County, then this draft ZTA will allow it to be replaced with a pole with wireless antennas at the top and a large equipment box (maximum 6 feet by 2 feet by 1 foot).
Remember the homeowner and public will not be notified nor have a way to stop the cellular antennas if the Draft ZTA passes.
Is your street light or power pole a wireless antenna mini cell tower?
Enter your address here.
- P stands for Pepco power pole
- M stands for Montgomery County owned streetlight.
If it states M or P this means it can be replaced with a new wider stronger pole with wireless antennas placed on top right in front of your home on the right of way.
Key Documents of the ZTA: Wireless Antennae on Streetlights & Powerpoles in Montgomery County
Interactive Map of Wireless Antennas in Montgomery County
Montgomery County Government "Towers and Antennas" Webpage
Montgomery County Government Council "Information on Small Cell Antennas" Webpage
Montgomery County Towers Committee Web Page
Montgomery County Government "ZTA main" Webpage
Citizen Expert Analysis
NEW! Montgomery County Civic Association Newsletter on Wireless Antennas Draft ZTA
Summary of Draft ZTA Created by Community Advocate Sue Present: Excellent analysis.
Montgomery County Government "Towers and Antennas" Webpage
Montgomery County Government Council "Information on Small Cell Antennas" Webpage
Montgomery County Towers Committee Web Page
Montgomery County Government "ZTA main" Webpage
Citizen Expert Analysis
NEW! Montgomery County Civic Association Newsletter on Wireless Antennas Draft ZTA
Summary of Draft ZTA Created by Community Advocate Sue Present: Excellent analysis.
Montgomery County Citizens’ Cell Tower 5G Information Packet:
Created by Montgomery County Coalition : very important explains the ZTA.
Powerpoint presentation" Attack of the Mini cell Towers" by Daniel S. CohenAttorney, Cohen Law Group and Natausha M. Horton Attorney, Cohen Law Group Pittsburgh, PA
Created by Montgomery County Coalition : very important explains the ZTA.
Powerpoint presentation" Attack of the Mini cell Towers" by Daniel S. CohenAttorney, Cohen Law Group and Natausha M. Horton Attorney, Cohen Law Group Pittsburgh, PA
- Summary of the May 2017 County Executive and Council and Congressional Delegation meeting with the FCC – click here
- Congressman Delaney’s February 2017 small cell antenna letter to the FCC – click here
- County Executive January 2017 letter to FCC requesting the FCC complete its 2013 proceeding on the health effects of RF emissions – click here
ROCKVILLE, Md., November 4, 2016—Montgomery County representatives and members of the County Council recently met with residents at an informational forum at Ridgeview Middle School in Gaithersburg on a proposal that would allow for the installation of small cell antennas and poles in public rights-of-way. The video below is a quick summary of the residents' health and safety concerns. The full video of the meeting may be viewed in its entirety here .
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Below is an interesting report on how some communities require not just assessments of fiscal/economic assessments, but also of the health assessments of their residents. Note that for Montgomery County only Bills currently require fiscal and economic impact statements. But in 2010, OLO recommended these assessments for ZTAs and new regulations, too.
Germantown Pulse: County Pulls Fast One with Small Cell Antenna Meetings"
County Pulls Fast One with Small Cell Antenna Meetings
"There is something sneaky going on here.
The Pulse has no position on the whether the County should amend the zoning regulations to allow small cell antennas in residential neighborhoods, but thePulse does feel very strongly about a Montgomery County governmental agency holding public meetings without giving the public ample time to attend the meetings. Holding a public meeting and not inviting the public isn’t a public meeting. It is a clandestine meeting open to the public. Is a party that nobody is invited to a party?"
"Montgomery County and the Transmission Facilities Coordination Group should be ashamed. If you have to resort to such deception of the public, perhaps you don’t have the public’s best interest at heart."
September 19, 2017 Editorial by Germantown Pulse
There is a Community Meeting tonight from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Montgomery College in Germantown about Montgomery County and wireless companies’ controversial plans to install small cell antennas on utility poles in residential neighborhoods.
There was another meeting last night in Silver Spring. Did you hear about it? Neither did the Germantown Pulse, which is odd. The Pulse receives hundreds of press releases from Montgomery County about various events, meetings, and happenings in the County. Admittedly, we don’t report on all of them. Our rule is that if it isn’t taking place in the Germantown/Clarksburg/ Up-County area, we don’t include it in our coverage unless there is an extenuating circumstance. While some Germantown residents may be interested in the Planning Board’s decision on the White Oak Project, we don’t believe it is Germantown news.
However, a Community Meeting about a plan to put more than 45 cell towers in the Waters Landing neighborhood. That is news. We’d report that. Folks in Germantown, especially those in the Waters Landing neighborhood are going to want to know about it that meeting.
Especially, when the last time the County and wireless companies held such a meeting, it was broadly contentious and very well attended. That meeting was held in October 2016 at Ridgeview Middle School in Gaithersburg. There were over a hundred people at that meeting. As one attendee of that meeting said, “Nobody wants it.”...
That might explain why these meetings were “announced” on a sleepy Saturday less than 72 hours before the first meeting took place on the following Monday evening.
Granted the County’s Transmission Facilities Coordination Group has a small slice of the website where the information about the meetings and possible changes to the County’s Zoning Ordinances are housed. It could be argued that it is public, but you’d have do a lot of digging to find it.
Read more
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Community Meeting Montgomery County ZTA on Small Cells In Residential Neighborhoods
Montgomery County Zoning Text Amendment on Small Cells
Community Meeting on Draft ZTA
September 18 and 19
Neighborhood Street Lights Are To To Be Replaced With Mini Cell Towers
Montgomery County Government is Hosting Two Community Meetings
Monday September 18th
Silver Spring Civic Center
1 Veterans Plaza
Silver Spring MD 20910
Tuesday September 19th
Montgomery College- Germantown Campus
20200 Observation Dr.
Germantown MD 20876
7pm - 9pm
The Montgomery County County Council is considering a new Zoning Text Amendment on small cell antennas in residential zones:
- Neighborhood streetlights to be replaced with mini cell towers: All street lights in all Montgomery County neighborhoods can be converted to mini cell towers called small cells- without notice & public hearing.
- Eliminates setbacks to single family homes: The 300 -foot residential setback for small and large cell towers in residential zones is eliminated.
- Eliminates public notice and due process: Mini cell towers can be built on streetlights and power poles without giving notice to homeowners and without a public hearing or input process for the community.
The ZTA would amend rules related to deployment of small antennas street light, utility, and commercial parking lot light poles, as well as on lower height buildings- giving companies free reign to place cell towers on our street lights and rights of ways.
Montgomery County created a "comment board" blog that no one knows about for the public to post comments.
See the "Public Comment Board" here and please post on it
Click here to see Draft of the Montgomery County ZTA, The ZTA would amend rules related to deployment of small antennas street light, utility, and commercial parking lot light poles, as well as on lower height buildings- giving companies free reign to place cell towers on our street lights and rights of ways.
Montgomery County created a "comment board" blog that no one knows about for the public to post comments.
See the "Public Comment Board" here and please post on it
Click here to see Montgomery County Summary
Click here to see Montgomery County Civic Association Analysis
- Contact The Montgomery County Council NOW
- Come to the community meeting next week.
Remember: The County did not inform the public about these September 2017 meetings. We - a coalition of Montgomery County citizens - informed you. Where is the transparency? Why were citizens NOT informed about these meetings?
Click to download the Flyer Montgomery County Community Meeting on Small Cells ZTA
Health Advocates Urge Governor to Veto 5G Cell Tower Bill
Health Advocates Urge Governor to Veto 5G Cell Tower Bill
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – A bill that would lead to the proliferation of refrigerator-sized 5G cell tower boxes across the state is now on Gov. Jerry Brown's desk - and health advocates are pressing for a veto.
SB 649 would allow telecom companies to install 5G and other wireless cell equipment on poles and on the ground every few hundred feet without getting a permit from the local jurisdiction, cutting off public input.
Ellen Marks, director of the California Brain Tumor Association and chair of the California Alliance for Safer Technology, says there haven't been any studies to prove 5G is safe - but studies have shown that older, less powerful cell technology can have serious health effects.
"There's a U.S. National Toxicology Program that was released last year found that 2G was causing brain tumors and tumors near the heart in laboratory animals," she says. "So employing 5G without any knowledge of health effects is not a good idea."
The bill requires cities to allow large equipment boxes in the public right of way, so Marks says they could end up in front of homes, schools, libraries and parks, but not fire stations because firefighters have been given an exemption due to health concerns.
The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association says the boxes are safe and will introduce super-fast wireless internet across the state.
Dozens of cities protested after the state Assembly passed the bill last week. Marks notes that Brown is now the only hope of stopping it.
"Our legislators took about $2.5 million from telecom in their last election," she notes. "I don't think the governor is concerned about campaign contributions any longer, so hopefully he does what is right for the state."
Brown has until next week to sign the bill, veto it or let it become law without his signature.
Listen online at
SB 649 would allow telecom companies to install 5G and other wireless cell equipment on poles and on the ground every few hundred feet without getting a permit from the local jurisdiction, cutting off public input.
Ellen Marks, director of the California Brain Tumor Association and chair of the California Alliance for Safer Technology, says there haven't been any studies to prove 5G is safe - but studies have shown that older, less powerful cell technology can have serious health effects.
"There's a U.S. National Toxicology Program that was released last year found that 2G was causing brain tumors and tumors near the heart in laboratory animals," she says. "So employing 5G without any knowledge of health effects is not a good idea."
The bill requires cities to allow large equipment boxes in the public right of way, so Marks says they could end up in front of homes, schools, libraries and parks, but not fire stations because firefighters have been given an exemption due to health concerns.
The Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association says the boxes are safe and will introduce super-fast wireless internet across the state.
Dozens of cities protested after the state Assembly passed the bill last week. Marks notes that Brown is now the only hope of stopping it.
"Our legislators took about $2.5 million from telecom in their last election," she notes. "I don't think the governor is concerned about campaign contributions any longer, so hopefully he does what is right for the state."
Brown has until next week to sign the bill, veto it or let it become law without his signature.
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